
Showing posts from September, 2024

A Piece

A Piece Created from nothing but a speck of joy, We branched off. We grew, To outgrow the chains restraining us. Piecing together, locking joints,  Welded and quenched. Connected, all intertwined. We forged. Through customisation, Adapting, seeking and dreaming. Expanding this puzzle, Binding new pieces. Some pieces misplaced, Misguided, mistaught. Yet still, We refined, all for perfection. We're bolted with screws. Dislodge one, And we lose all functionality, Eventually thrown away and ignored. There's always an imperfection, A jammed void left, incomplete. Something we're devoid from. Hidden, covered, layered by lies and deceit.

Mental Entrapment

Mental Entrapment I am locked in a cage, And I cannot break free. No matter how hard I try; Punching, scraping, cutting, I can not break free I am embedded with wounds, Yet I try again and again, But for some kind of reason, i can not break free. I want to escape, Be free in the wind, But I am shackled down, And i can not break free. I am all alone, Trapped in confinement. Can someone please come. Because I cannot break free.

Guilty Conscience

  Guilty Conscience A snippet of a memory, Floats up again, Unable to drown. Remains bobbing. No symptoms appear, Calm and pulsing. Oblivious. A virus resides. Rewinding. Rewatching. Wringing out the scene,  It comes. Rogue wave. Damned roots implanted, writhes. Stretching open its accursed ribs. Organs flailing, suspended. Leashed down, subduing. Stitching the cuts, Bandaging it, Seemingly blended, Yet remaining infected.


  Betrayal When you least expect it, It comes. It rips you apart. Hacking out piece by piece. Clasping hands gouging deep. Wrenching out bone to heart. Splinting fibres, squirming out. Preferable to end it all. Traitor . You served a purpose. A taxing duty. Not as a friend. Companion to speak, But a consumable. Expendable. As residue. Left, Repeating the cycle, Without the end.

Ice Cold Beauty

  Ice Cold Beauty Ice cold queen. She walks forward. Stylistic yet simple, She conquers all, Beauty unrivalled. Her skin ripples In the icy, chilly breeze, It's silk-like complexion, Glistening with ease. She brushes her hair aside, Unveiling her coal, muted eyes. I stared deeply into that void, Completely lost in space. Her confidence and maturity, Makes her stand out. And with her long, striding legs, She marches forwards without doubt. Her face expresses no kind of emotion. Calm, collected and stern. Yet I can't seem to avert my eyes. It's almost as if I'd been shackled. Staring longingly at this artwork, Eyes fixed, glued to the intricacy. Like a moth and a candle, Resistance is wasted. This is. The Ice Cold Queen.

My Sun

My Sun As I look out of my window, Everything is so vivid and bright. It just reminds me of the widow, That lives next door to my right. Today is so sunny, It's comforting and warm. I wish she would come and visit, Joking and laughing every minute. The rays of light are ever so blinding, It makes the morning dew glisten. It is almost as if she is reminding me, to sit down and listen. As I sit back and reminisce, The sunlight slowly fades, The thoughts about that one Miss, Slips away like the decades.

The Opponent

  The Opponent "AND HE GOES DOWN. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS ROUND. A POWERFUL STRIKE DELIVERED RIGHT TO THE TEMPLE. HAS SENT HIM SLUMPING INTO THE MAT". Silence. The cheers halted. Awestruck. ... " four "... It bellows. " five "... The arena explodes. " six "... Filled with mixed emotions, Mixed opinions. " seven "... Disappointment, joy, encouragement, " eight "... Yet all were stunned. "Is it over", 'Sure is', "Let's get going then". ... The muttering stopped. The count stopped. The celebrations stopped. Everyone had stopped. Clutching tightly to the ropes, Wringing himself up. Rising up from the pitless void. Exhausting every ounce. Lurching. Could he make it? He was a battlefield. Anguish, distraught, pain. Pride wounded. The obstacle in front was no more. It was just an illusion,  Someone he could not beat. It was not over...

Wonders of the World

  Wonders of the World There are so many wonderful things to see, In this world which is so loving and free. There are so many places I would like to travel, Where I am able to see all the mysteries unravel. Over here, or over there, Nature's beauty is everywhere. To sounds, to touch, to smell, to sight,  Everything here is all a delight. Standing still and feeling the breeze, It makes my life come to an ease, I feel calm and I feel satisfied, This pleasant feeling, I feel worldwide.


Outcast Darkness. Thunders heavy rain. No one but a little girl. Staggers, hiding deep pain. Yet she still smiles, Eyes forward, shining. Like wide, pure pearls. She cries alone. Tears rolling down. Full of fear. Coping on her own. The pain is immensely severe. Ragged clothes, Which are all worn out. With a voice, Dry and cracked. Paining, full of doubt. Comforting, Will have no impact. She cowers, In a corner. Drowned, In a deep thought. She is seen as nothing But a foreigner. It is the outcast who is in distraught.

Dream World

  DREAMS As time passes, my eyelids grow heavy and sore. I try to resist but my vision just starts to fade. But now I know that it is time for me to explore, The hidden dream world behind the pretty cascades. Stepping through, everything suddenly becomes clear, This is a true place where no one should want to leave As anything you could possibly want is here, As well as the life goals you all hope to achieve. In here, I have all the power with full control, With the ability to rewrite all my mistakes In order to create a perfect life and a pure soul, A life with no running or reason to escape. " wake up " ... As I continue to experience this pleasant sensation, A ruffling sound begins to echo. Pulling me away from my greatest creation, To never see it again, letting it all go. I reach out trying to force my way back inside As it was the life where I was fully satisfied. Touching it for the last time with my very fingertips, Before, letting it go, letting it slip. I wonder why

Hidden World

  Hidden World In this place which is so clandestine, Is where you will see a lone crow shine, This is truly the place with nothing but peace; Hidden by the beauty of Nature's masterpiece. This world is like a treasured kaleidoscope, Awaiting for your forever endeavoured hope.

A Journey

  A Journey In this day and in this night, We have many purposes, but one is to fight. And in doing so, we have problems that must be solved, Without a ruckus and getting others involved. As the day moves forward, becoming noon, From a young age we understand soon, That we must have fun and mess around, And annoy our family with obnoxious sounds. As the afternoon progresses and evening comes, We brush our teeth to preserve our gums. Now that we are older and have responsibilities, We are forced to show them through our academic abilities. As daylight fades and nightfall approaches, Our life has moved on like wheels on coaches, Speeding away through our adulthood that felt like only a breath, To see the road to the end of our everlasting death.

piggy's big adventure VOLUME 5

  VOLUME 5; The Eve’s Special of  “piggy’s big adventure”: With her life finally free at last, And with her problems all in the past, Continuing on from Volume 4, Volume 5 is something you will abhor. Despite travelling tirelessly for miles and miles, Little piggy smugly smiles, Knowing that her new life has just started, Feeling upbeat and ever so light-hearted. Feeling so confident and so full of herself She even forgot about her own mother, who is probably laying on a shelf. What is this arrogance little piggy is displaying? What does this mean and what is it conveying? Has little piggy lost her mind? And why is she acting distasteful and unkind? She continues onwards without awareness of any dangers, Self-assured that she will encounter no strangers. How very wrong she is and here comes the twist, This part is something I can not resist. I am sure the ending of this rhyming book, Is enough to make you all shivered and shook. A tiger lay low in the bushes beside her And what happene

piggy's big adventure VOLUME 4

  VOLUME 4; The Decision of  “piggy’s big adventure”: Finally freedom had been achieved, And little piggy felt so relieved, That she was free to go absolutely anywhere. It was a miracle that was ever so rare. But where will she go for her first destination? It should be something to reward her for her endless dedication. Feeling joyous and over the moon, She puffed out her cheeks like a balloon. This occasion was something she did not expect. This was a moment that she will always reflect. She wanted to travel far and wide, But didn’t know where and couldn’t decide. Deciding where to go was a big decision. This was primarily because she had no supervision, And at all times needed to be kept safe and secure, As she was still little and fairly immature. In the end she came up with an idea, Of travelling all the way to South Korea. She soon set out to start her long expedition, Feeling elated and in perfect condition. Looking back at her old home from a distance, It really made her questi

piggy's big adventure VOLUME 3.2

  VOLUME 3; The Escape [Part 2] of  “piggy’s big adventure”: Knowing that all her plans had miserably failed, Little piggy deeply exhaled. Sighing in utter sadness at her attempt, She looked at herself with total contempt. All of her previous excitement had drifted away, Leaving her all alone again, in complete dismay. All hope was lost and her will had died, What wasted effort and wasted pride. In the end it seems as if she has ran out of luck, And now she was really going to be stuck. As she turned around, with her energy depleted, Ready to head home, feeling totally defeated, A sudden creak came from behind. And a rush of exhilaration came to her mind. She slowly turned her head to see what was going on. Was she really free and ready to be gone? A hint of hope glimmered in her eyes, And to her own very surprise, That huge gate had been left ajar. What an occurrence?! This was bizarre! Feeling cautious and making sure it wasn’t a trap, Little piggy leapt through the open gap. As she

piggy's big adventure VOLUME 3

  VOLUME 3; The Escape [Part 1] of  “piggy’s big adventure”: She woke up with a paining heart, Wishing if there was a way for her life to restart, As this was not the life little piggy had envisioned. She never wanted to be confined and imprisoned. Looking blankly at the new morning sky, She waited for some sort of reply. That could guide her to a life with success, Without needing to suffer from her immense stress. She then looks far beyond in the distance ahead, Suddenly remembering what her mother once said, About the beautiful wonders lying beyond the front gate, Which no animal dared to go over, due to the dangers that lay await. As little piggy approaches the exit with absolute wariness, All the animals stared at her with extreme unsteadiness. Standing before the gate, which was just so huge and big, Trembles of fear shot up the spine of the little pig. Her teeth shuddered, whilst tears of sweat streamed down, And her once excited face had quickly turned into a frown. As her hear

piggy's big adventure VOLUME 2

  VOLUME 2; The Dream of  “piggy’s big adventure”: As the night grew long and dreary, Little piggy’s eyes grew ever so weary. Even though she was all alone and all exposed, She was so tired that her eyes just closed. She soundly went to sleep, Dreaming about her mother that she wanted to keep. As we enter little piggy’s dream, We are able to see her grand self-esteem, Where she is so dearly loved by everyone, Enjoying and having so much fun. She is surrounded by her family and friends, The ones that she loves and deeply comprehends; They mess around making funny jokes, Laughing a lot with their old folks. Screaming and oinking at the top of their lungs, As they tease each other by sticking out their small tongues. Little piggy is just so overjoyed, As there are no dangers to even avoid. Hugging with everyone all together, Is the best feeling, especially in the beautiful weather It is time for piggy’s first sleepover at her nan’s nan But in reality she is probably in somebody’s pan. Ful

piggy's big adventure Volume 1

  VOLUME 1; Introduction of  “piggy’s big adventure”: A little piggy had just been born From a mother who loved eating corn. As the piggy learns to walk, The mother is processed into pork. Wondering where her mother went off to, The little piggy was left with nothing to do. Looking around the vast empty field, The piggy had soon revealed That there were more animals in this place, Each of them possessing a unique face. Little piggy decided to ask around To the different animals if her mother could be found, But none of them could answer her question, Nor give her a valid suggestion. It was getting dark and little piggy was still all alone, Cold, wet and shivering down to the bone. Still in search for her lost mother, Little piggy wondered what life would be like to have a brother; A warming presence to accompany her; Cuddling together closely, letting their warmth transfer. With no one to be with, and nowhere to go, Though it was her first day, she was at an all-time low. Feeling lonel