piggy's big adventure VOLUME 3.2


The Escape [Part 2] of “piggy’s big adventure”:

Knowing that all her plans had miserably failed, Little piggy deeply exhaled.
Sighing in utter sadness at her attempt,
She looked at herself with total contempt.

All of her previous excitement had drifted away, Leaving her all alone again, in complete dismay. All hope was lost and her will had died,
What wasted effort and wasted pride.

In the end it seems as if she has ran out of luck, And now she was really going to be stuck.
As she turned around, with her energy depleted, Ready to head home, feeling totally defeated,

A sudden creak came from behind.
And a rush of exhilaration came to her mind.
She slowly turned her head to see what was going on.
Was she really free and ready to be gone?
A hint of hope glimmered in her eyes,
And to her own very surprise,
That huge gate had been left ajar.
What an occurrence?! This was bizarre!
Feeling cautious and making sure it wasn’t a trap,
Little piggy leapt through the open gap.
As she leapt for freedom, she felt so ecstatic,
Prepared to part ways with her previous life, which was just so traumatic. This was all she ever wanted and always dreamed of doing,
A completely new life is exactly what she had been pursuing.
No one had escaped before and this was a first.
Her life had just been utterly reversed.

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